Tuesday, 28 January 2020

+*-I, Daniel Blake essay plan-*+

+*- I, Daniel Blake essay plan-*+:

Economic contexts shape Independent films.
Independent genre shapes economic contexts.

BFI - Funded the movie - non for profit organisation - independently run.
The national lottery funded the movie - British and French film production.
BBC - works closely with the filmmakers and directors.
BBC - is a British Broadcasting Company - The presentation of Britain and how it applies to social issues - links in with the general tone of the BBC's other productions. - public service broadcaster.

Explain how economic contexts shape independent films. Refer to I, Daniel Blake to support your points. ( 15 marks )  30 minutes

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Economic factors concerning the stereotypes of the genre allow more free expression in the work.
-Steve Neale's Genre Theory: I, Daniel Blake subverts the stereotypes of the independent genre
- Art/ Cultural expression and makes you think
- Links to the director, Ken Loach - Ken Loach is an independent film director
 The film budget will be lower because the audience expects the themes covered by the film instead of common mainstream themes - Social political viewpoints (expressed in the film) shared ideology
The low budget is because independent films aren't expected to make large amounts of money.
- Their aim is to send a message
- Allows directors and filmmakers to be more free and innovative.
e.g. I, Daniel Blake highlights the struggles of the welfare state rather than what mainstream films follow such as the action of romance, to profit.

Paragraph 2:


The co-funding companies shape independent films.
-BFI - A smaller scale, independently run company.
-BBC - Funded by the people - Public service broadcaster
The low budget is shaped by the independent genre.
- Distribution is done through smaller scale, independent companies
- outside large scale, mainstream companies
- less funding is necessary because It was filmed largely on location (hospital, jobcentre etc.), features lesser-known actors and does not rely on special effects. e.g. Movie Marketing poster only portrayed the male protagonist who isn't well known, with minimal effects or expensive backdrop.

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